Durable Roofing

Call for Nationwide Service: 1-877-371-7505

The DuraChek Preventive Maintenance Service

We offer nationwide commercial and industrial roofing services.

Just call us at 877-371-7505 with your needs and we can handle it.


The goal for your roof should be to get the longest lifecycle for the least cost.  The DuraCheck Preventative Maintenance Service Agreement achieves this goal with scheduled maintenance visits to your sites.    

Roofs undergo many movements that affect performance such as building settlement, thermal expansion and contraction, and weathering (sun, wind, rain, snow). Because of these movements, details such as wall flashing and soil stack leads develop gaps that allow water to migrate into the roofing system. Often, this migration goes undetected because it is absorbed into the decking or insulation and does not drip into the interior of the building. This absorption then causes damage to the roofing components that make a simple overlayment an impossibility. Maintenance includes:

  • Making minor field and flashing repairs.
  • Removing debris from the roof drains and gutters
  • Caulking roof-related sheet metal and skylights
  • Resealing drain needs
  • Refastening loose panels on rooftop HVAC units

Scheduled preventative maintenance prevents leaks from occurring and saves costs on emergency repairs, loss of inventory, damaged light fixtures/electrical systems and  downtime for your managers as well as maintaining a positive image for your customers.

A checklist of critical areas to be inspected will be supplied along with photos of before and after repair and cleaning of debris.  In addition, recommendations will be made so you will be able to prioritize which roofs need attention and which can simply continue with maintenance.   Surprise roof replacements will be a thing of the past and capital  budgets can be planned in advance.